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Why I Ditched My Country Club for Something Better

I used to spend $3000 per month on a country club membership.

For years, I bought into the promise: “The value you will get in new relationships and business opportunities will far outweigh the cost.”

They painted a picture of a thriving network, business deals over cocktails, and friendships forged on the golf course.

Years later, I took stock of what I'd gained: Zero business relationships.

Zero business opportunities.

Instead, I found myself in an environment that felt stifling and unwelcoming.

The vibe was the exact opposite of what I had been promised.

The club was stuffy, the people were judgmental, and everything was a competition.

It seemed like most members were more interested in gossip than in genuine connections or mutual support.

I never felt comfortable there.

It wasn’t what I would call a “healthy environment.”

Now, keep in mind, I’m not a golfer.

Some people join a country club just to golf, and that’s great for them.

But I...

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How to Turn Liabilities into Assets

Want to elevate your financial status to an entirely new level?

There’s just one crucial element you need to grasp and master: your personal creativity in transforming liabilities into assets.

No, this isn’t about cash-flowing a house or any typical investment strategies.

It’s about a revolutionary mindset shift that can set you free forever once you understand and apply it.

The Power of Creativity

The key to financial freedom lies in how you perceive and utilize what you already have.

Most people view liabilities as burdens, but what if you could flip that narrative?

What if you could turn those liabilities into assets?

Imagine the possibilities when you start to see every liability as a potential asset.

This shift in thinking can open up a world of financial opportunities.



That’s a bold statement, but it’s true. The concepts I shared have the...

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Why Your Offers Arenโ€™t Getting Accepted: A Deep Dive into Sales and Negotiation Mastery

You've done everything right.

You’ve invested heavily in marketing to generate leads, paid for the best skip tracing and data, employed virtual assistants to aid with lead generation, and meticulously sorted through your leads.

Yet, despite all this effort, your offers aren’t being accepted.

It’s frustrating, to say the least.

It's Not Your Leads - It's the Market

First things first: understand that the issue isn’t with your leads.

You’re in a highly competitive market.

If you’re not excelling in negotiation and sales, you’re going to struggle.

Here’s why.

The Importance of Knowing Your Seller’s Personality

One critical mistake many make is treating every seller the same.

Within the first few seconds of interaction, you need to identify the personality type of the seller.

This is crucial because speaking to a High D (Dominant) personality like you would a High I (Influential) or a High I like a High C (Conscientious) can be...

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How to Find the Highest Paying Cash Buyers Fast

If you’re in real estate, you know that finding the right buyers quickly is crucial.

My team at Real Estate Matt Education has developed a step-by-step approach using a tool called InvestorBase.

In this blog, we'll walk you through how to use InvestorBase to find high-paying cash buyers efficiently.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using InvestorBase

1. Get Started with InvestorBase

Begin by creating an account on InvestorBase and logging in. Note that while the free trial is useful, upgrading to a paid version will yield more comprehensive results.

2. Enter Property Information

Once logged in, enter the address of the property you’re looking to sell. This could be a wholesale property, a fix, and flip, or even a rental you want to offload.

3. Adjust Search Criteria

By default, it’s best to start with the standard settings. However, you can adjust the search radius, time frame, and property types as needed. For instance, expand the radius if you're in a rural area or narrow...

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How to Thrive in Wholesaling Despite High Interest Rates

Them: "Hey Matt, wholesaling has gotten really tough since interest rates have been so high for the last couple of years."

Me: "It has?"

Them: "Yeah, haven't you been paying attention to what everyone is saying online?"

Me: "No."

Me: "How many deals have you tried to wholesale where you've had a lot of problems?"

Them: "Well, none, because everyone says the only way to make money now is owner finance and I don't know how to do that."

Me: "I think you are listening to the wrong people."

In a market that’s as dynamic as real estate, it’s easy to get swayed by the collective anxiety buzzing through online forums and social media.

When interest rates rise, the immediate reaction might be to panic and believe the hype that wholesaling has become an impossible game.

But let’s break this down with a little exercise I recently did.

After hearing my friend’s concerns, I did a quick search for cash sales in the area he was worried about.

To his surprise—and maybe...

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What's the True Asset in Real Estate and Business? YOU.

Having spent nearly two decades flipping houses, I've navigated thousands of transactions and weathered countless market fluctuations. With such extensive experience, I've frequently encountered the argument: "Why not switch to apartments or commercial properties?" Critics often assert, "Apartments are easier to manage and scale."

To those people, I have a counterargument: "Why don't you switch from apartments to businesses?" There's substantially more money in buying and selling businesses or in purchasing and cash flowing businesses. That's a fact.

Why Businesses Over Real Estate?

The wealthiest individuals globally amassed their fortunes through buying or building businesses with sustainable cash flow. Unlike real estate, businesses have no "top end." When I grasped this concept several years ago, I pivoted my focus towards building businesses. Since then, I've created several multi-million dollar enterprises, all while putting minimal effort and almost no time into my...

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From Heartbreak to Real Estate Success: My Journey

Nearly 19 years ago, I embarked on my real estate journey, but truthfully, it wasn’t about real estate at all.

It was about proving something to myself and to others.

It was about making money.

At that time, my girlfriend had just broken up with me.

She said she wanted to date someone with “status,” someone who “makes money.”

I was heartbroken, but more than that, I was angry.

For anyone who knew me during that period, I wasn’t much fun to be around.

I was the hardest-working person I knew, yet I was still broke.

I worked every possible hour of overtime I could manage.

I cashed in my vacation days every year, taking the money instead of the days off.

I worked two jobs and grabbed every chance to work on Saturdays and many Sundays.

Despite all this, I had nothing to show for it.

I knew I had to make real money if I ever wanted to win her back.

Back then, my TV was always on.

My apartment was tiny—300 square feet—and rent was $275 a...

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From Broke to Millionaire

My great, great-grandfather went into the Great Depression as a broke 30 year old...

...and came out of the Great Depression as a multi-millionaire.

His secret? Wholesaling real estate.

In the depths of economic despair, my great-grandfather seized an opportunity where others saw only desolation.

He understood that fortune favors the bold, and he was nothing if not audacious.

With a keen eye for opportunity and a tireless work ethic, he embarked on a journey that would defy the odds and rewrite his family's destiny.

The concept was simple yet revolutionary: buy low, sell high, and do it quickly.

He would swoop in, acquire a property in the morning, and by the afternoon, it would be sold – often at a profit substantial enough to turn heads.

This lightning-fast turnaround, known as a "double close," became his trademark, earning him a reputation as a savvy investor with an uncanny knack for turning a profit in the bleakest of times.

But perhaps his greatest insight was...

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A Wholesaler's $3 Million Success Story

In the dynamic world of real estate wholesaling, success stories often emerge from a blend of talent, experience, and continuous learning.

Today, we dive into the journey of one seasoned wholesaler who harnessed the resources of The Deal Lab to elevate his game and achieve remarkable results.

Meet John*, a veteran in real estate wholesaling.

With years of experience and a track record of crushing deals, John's expertise is undeniable.

However, even the most seasoned professionals recognize the value of ongoing education and strategic partnerships.

John's journey took a significant turn when he joined The Deal Lab, an exclusive community designed to empower wholesalers at every stage of their career.

Despite his proficiency, John understood the importance of staying ahead in an ever-evolving market.

He immersed himself in the comprehensive training offered by The Deal Lab, eager to refine his skills and explore new strategies.

What sets John apart is his willingness to adapt and...

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Why Scaling Your Business is More Than Just Making Money

In the world of entrepreneurship, the phrase "scaling your business" often gets thrown around like confetti at a celebration.

It's a phrase laden with ambition, promise, and, let's be honest, a fair share of headaches.

But what does it really mean when someone says they want to scale their business?

Are they simply chasing after the almighty dollar, or is there more to it?

Well, let's peel back the layers of this seemingly straightforward statement.

When someone expresses their desire to scale their business, what they're truly articulating is their aspiration to make more money.

It's a natural inclination for any business owner – the pursuit of growth and profitability.

However, behind this desire lies a myriad of challenges and complexities that often go unnoticed.

First and foremost, scaling a business isn't just about increasing revenue.

It's about optimizing operations, streamlining processes, and maximizing efficiency.

It's about finding ways to generate more...

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