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Why I Ditched My Country Club for Something Better

I used to spend $3000 per month on a country club membership.

For years, I bought into the promise: “The value you will get in new relationships and business opportunities will far outweigh the cost.”

They painted a picture of a thriving network, business deals over cocktails, and friendships forged on the golf course.

Years later, I took stock of what I'd gained: Zero business relationships.

Zero business opportunities.

Instead, I found myself in an environment that felt stifling and unwelcoming.

The vibe was the exact opposite of what I had been promised.

The club was stuffy, the people were judgmental, and everything was a competition.

It seemed like most members were more interested in gossip than in genuine connections or mutual support.

I never felt comfortable there.

It wasn’t what I would call a “healthy environment.”

Now, keep in mind, I’m not a golfer.

Some people join a country club just to golf, and that’s great for them.

But I was looking for something different.

I yearned for a community where people would:

  • Cheer you on when you're crushing it.
  • Pick you up when you fall down.
  • Go out of their way to introduce you to potential collaborators and business partners.
  • Share their knowledge to help you massively increase your business revenue.

And then, I found it.

Discovering the Power of a Mastermind

I stumbled upon the concept of a mastermind, and it changed everything.

Masterminds are not cheap, and that’s by design.

But the right mastermind, paired with someone who takes action (which I strive to do), can pay for itself in 90 days or less.

Imagine paying $50k per year for a mastermind and generating $200k or more in revenue.

It's not just an investment; it's a game-changer.

In a mastermind, you’re surrounded by like-minded individuals who are driven to succeed and eager to help others do the same.

The environment is positive, collaborative, and supportive.

When you need help, you can call the person running it, and they’re there for you.

Want to meet someone? They’ll make the introduction.

Being part of a mastermind can shave a decade off your learning curve.

You gain insights and strategies that would have taken years to figure out on your own.

The key is to pay to get in (because people who pay, pay attention), soak up all the knowledge and support, and then give back.

As you learn and grow, you help others in the mastermind where you can.

It’s a cycle of growth and support that’s truly life-changing.

My Life Post-Country Club

Burning my country club membership was liberating.

I traded judgmental stares and gossip for a thriving community of go-getters who genuinely want to see each other succeed.

My business has grown faster than I ever thought possible, and I’ve formed connections that have led to incredible opportunities.

If you’re stuck in an environment that’s not serving you, consider making a change.

Look into joining a mastermind.

It might just be the best investment you’ll ever make.

Life is too short to spend it in a place where you don’t feel valued or supported.

Find your tribe, invest in yourself, and watch your life transform.

Want to join my #1 Coaching group every Tuesday? Click HERE.


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