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How to Thrive in Wholesaling Despite High Interest Rates

Them: "Hey Matt, wholesaling has gotten really tough since interest rates have been so high for the last couple of years."

Me: "It has?"

Them: "Yeah, haven't you been paying attention to what everyone is saying online?"

Me: "No."

Me: "How many deals have you tried to wholesale where you've had a lot of problems?"

Them: "Well, none, because everyone says the only way to make money now is owner finance and I don't know how to do that."

Me: "I think you are listening to the wrong people."

In a market that’s as dynamic as real estate, it’s easy to get swayed by the collective anxiety buzzing through online forums and social media.

When interest rates rise, the immediate reaction might be to panic and believe the hype that wholesaling has become an impossible game.

But let’s break this down with a little exercise I recently did.

After hearing my friend’s concerns, I did a quick search for cash sales in the area he was worried about.

To his surprise—and maybe to yours as well—I found over 8,000 cash sales in the last 12 months.

Yes, you read that right: 8,000 cash sales.

So, what’s really going on here?

Data or Drama? You Pick.

The reality is that winners always find a way.

There are plenty of buyers right now, and there are tons of good deals if you know what you're doing. I’m still finding deals the same way I was last year, and the year before that, and the year before that... you get my point.

Don’t Make This Business Complicated

It’s not. Here’s a straightforward strategy that’s proven to work, even in today’s market:

  1. Send 1000 texts per day and 500 cold calls per day to a high equity non-owner occupied list.

  2. Follow that by hitting the vacant list.

  3. Rotate through these two lists and through the 10 connecting zip codes in your areas of focus.

By doing this consistently, you will generate between 8-12 leads per day like clockwork. Out of those leads, you should make offers on 6-8 of them. This approach will average you 3-5 closed deals per month.

Want to Scale Up from There?

You have two choices:

  1. Pick 10 new zip codes and duplicate the above strategy.

  2. Double the marketing volume in the areas you are already operating in.

If you need help with any of the above, feel free to click here, and let’s figure out how to break through whatever bottleneck you are struggling with.


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