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How to Scale Your Business

Knowing Your Numbers: The Key to Scaling Your Business

In the world of business, numbers aren’t just figures on a spreadsheet; they are the foundation upon which success is built.

As an entrepreneur or a sales professional, understanding your numbers isn’t just important—it’s crucial.

It gives you the insights and confidence to scale your operations effectively.

However, until you have a firm grasp on these numbers, scaling might not be the wisest move.

I often get asked questions like, "How many cold call leads does it take to close a contract?" or "What about text leads?"

These inquiries reflect a common dilemma among those eager to grow: the desire for predictability in sales outcomes.

The truth is, without knowing your numbers, scaling can be a risky business.

Let's break it down with a recent example.

Take a look at the snapshot below, illustrating last month's performance metrics:

May be an image of phone and text

This visual representation serves as a stark reminder: not every...

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Why I Ditched My Country Club for Something Better

I used to spend $3000 per month on a country club membership.

For years, I bought into the promise: “The value you will get in new relationships and business opportunities will far outweigh the cost.”

They painted a picture of a thriving network, business deals over cocktails, and friendships forged on the golf course.

Years later, I took stock of what I'd gained: Zero business relationships.

Zero business opportunities.

Instead, I found myself in an environment that felt stifling and unwelcoming.

The vibe was the exact opposite of what I had been promised.

The club was stuffy, the people were judgmental, and everything was a competition.

It seemed like most members were more interested in gossip than in genuine connections or mutual support.

I never felt comfortable there.

It wasn’t what I would call a “healthy environment.”

Now, keep in mind, I’m not a golfer.

Some people join a country club just to golf, and that’s great for them.

But I...

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How to Drastically Reduce Your Wholesaling Workload to Less Than 2 Hours a Day

In the world of real estate wholesaling, there's one role that can drastically reduce your involvement to less than two hours a day.

Surprisingly, it's not the acquisitions manager or the cold caller.

The unsung hero of your operation is the Lead Manager.

Most people overlook the Lead Manager's significance.

Traditionally, a Lead Manager is seen as someone who handles incoming leads and keeps them organized.

However, my definition expands beyond this simplistic view.

A Lead Manager is the linchpin of your wholesaling business, a position so crucial that it can transform how your entire operation functions.

Here's what a Lead Manager in my model does:

  • Manages All KPIs: Keeps track of key performance indicators to ensure the business is on the right track.

  • Manages List Health: Ensures your contact lists are updated and relevant.

  • Perfect List Rotation: Maintains a strategic rotation of lists to maximize outreach efficiency.

  • Pulls the Lists and Skip Traces: Extracts and...

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Have You Heard of Virtually Unemployed 2.0?

We're committed to providing you with the tools you need to succeed without breaking the bank.

So, what's new in Virtually Unemployed 2.0? Let's dive in and explore the latest features:

  1. Say goodbye to endless searching. With lists, you can streamline your prospecting process and connect with leads more efficiently than ever before.
  2. Recession List: In uncertain times, having access to recession-resistant properties is invaluable. Our recession list helps you identify opportunities that can weather economic downturns.
  3. Call tools: Handling incoming calls just got a whole lot easier. With our call tools feature, you can manage your communications without the need for a dedicated call center.
  4. Twilio Set up for Texting: Texting is quickly becoming the preferred method of communication for many. With Twilio set up, you can seamlessly integrate texting into your outreach strategy.
  5. Zillow Comps for Retail and Wholesale: Make informed...
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