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How to Drastically Reduce Your Wholesaling Workload to Less Than 2 Hours a Day

In the world of real estate wholesaling, there's one role that can drastically reduce your involvement to less than two hours a day.

Surprisingly, it's not the acquisitions manager or the cold caller.

The unsung hero of your operation is the Lead Manager.

Most people overlook the Lead Manager's significance.

Traditionally, a Lead Manager is seen as someone who handles incoming leads and keeps them organized.

However, my definition expands beyond this simplistic view.

A Lead Manager is the linchpin of your wholesaling business, a position so crucial that it can transform how your entire operation functions.

Here's what a Lead Manager in my model does:

  • Manages All KPIs: Keeps track of key performance indicators to ensure the business is on the right track.

  • Manages List Health: Ensures your contact lists are updated and relevant.

  • Perfect List Rotation: Maintains a strategic rotation of lists to maximize outreach efficiency.

  • Pulls the Lists and Skip Traces: Extracts and verifies contact information for potential leads.

  • Measures Cost per Lead and Tracks All Costs: Monitors expenses to optimize budget allocation.

  • Runs Comps and Calculates Max Offer Prices: Analyzes comparable sales to determine the highest offer you can make while maintaining profitability.

  • Transaction Coordination: Oversees the progress of deals from initiation to closing.

  • Buyer Side Management: Ensures smooth transactions with buyers and maintains relationships.

  • Adds New Verified Buyers Daily: Expands your buyer list with qualified contacts regularly.

  • And Much More: Handles numerous other critical tasks to keep your business running smoothly.

The Lead Manager is your Mission Control.

This position ensures every aspect of your operation is functioning correctly, from launch to landing.

By effectively managing all these areas, the Lead Manager allows you to step back from the daily grind, focusing instead on strategic growth and higher-level decision-making.

Mastering the Lead Manager role can dramatically reduce your work hours while boosting your revenue.

When this position is executed correctly, you'll witness a significant improvement in your wholesaling operation's efficiency and profitability.

Ready to take your business to the next level?

Join us at 10 am central every Tuesday in The Deal Lab, where we'll unpack these strategies in detail.

For just $47 a month, you'll get access to four comprehensive trainings, all recorded for your convenience, plus a toolbox full of essential tools to streamline your business operations.

Join HERE and start transforming your wholesaling business today!


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