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How to Achieve Time Wealth: Simplify Your Real Estate Business and Delegate Effectively

What's one domino you could push over that would knock down dozens more?

That's a question I ask myself on a regular basis.

In business, I discovered that as long as I was the "magic" in every deal, I would always have to be involved in every deal.

This realization led me to a pivotal decision that transformed my approach and, ultimately, my life.

The Magic of Delegation

I clearly defined "simple deals" that I could teach my team of virtual assistants (VAs) to handle without my involvement.

That was the domino I knocked over that pushed the rest of them down.

By empowering my team to manage these straightforward transactions, I freed myself from the constant need to be hands-on in every aspect of my business.

This shift allowed me to focus on higher-level strategies and personal growth, rather than being bogged down by daily operations.

Embracing Simplicity Over Complexity

Some might argue against my approach, saying, "But you're passing up on novation deals, creative financing...

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Why I Ditched My Country Club for Something Better

I used to spend $3000 per month on a country club membership.

For years, I bought into the promise: “The value you will get in new relationships and business opportunities will far outweigh the cost.”

They painted a picture of a thriving network, business deals over cocktails, and friendships forged on the golf course.

Years later, I took stock of what I'd gained: Zero business relationships.

Zero business opportunities.

Instead, I found myself in an environment that felt stifling and unwelcoming.

The vibe was the exact opposite of what I had been promised.

The club was stuffy, the people were judgmental, and everything was a competition.

It seemed like most members were more interested in gossip than in genuine connections or mutual support.

I never felt comfortable there.

It wasn’t what I would call a “healthy environment.”

Now, keep in mind, I’m not a golfer.

Some people join a country club just to golf, and that’s great for them.

But I...

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What's the True Asset in Real Estate and Business? YOU.

Having spent nearly two decades flipping houses, I've navigated thousands of transactions and weathered countless market fluctuations. With such extensive experience, I've frequently encountered the argument: "Why not switch to apartments or commercial properties?" Critics often assert, "Apartments are easier to manage and scale."

To those people, I have a counterargument: "Why don't you switch from apartments to businesses?" There's substantially more money in buying and selling businesses or in purchasing and cash flowing businesses. That's a fact.

Why Businesses Over Real Estate?

The wealthiest individuals globally amassed their fortunes through buying or building businesses with sustainable cash flow. Unlike real estate, businesses have no "top end." When I grasped this concept several years ago, I pivoted my focus towards building businesses. Since then, I've created several multi-million dollar enterprises, all while putting minimal effort and almost no time into my...

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