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Why Your Offers Arenโ€™t Getting Accepted: A Deep Dive into Sales and Negotiation Mastery

You've done everything right.

You’ve invested heavily in marketing to generate leads, paid for the best skip tracing and data, employed virtual assistants to aid with lead generation, and meticulously sorted through your leads.

Yet, despite all this effort, your offers aren’t being accepted.

It’s frustrating, to say the least.

It's Not Your Leads - It's the Market

First things first: understand that the issue isn’t with your leads.

You’re in a highly competitive market.

If you’re not excelling in negotiation and sales, you’re going to struggle.

Here’s why.

The Importance of Knowing Your Seller’s Personality

One critical mistake many make is treating every seller the same.

Within the first few seconds of interaction, you need to identify the personality type of the seller.

This is crucial because speaking to a High D (Dominant) personality like you would a High I (Influential) or a High I like a High C (Conscientious) can be...

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From Broke to Millionaire

My great, great-grandfather went into the Great Depression as a broke 30 year old...

...and came out of the Great Depression as a multi-millionaire.

His secret? Wholesaling real estate.

In the depths of economic despair, my great-grandfather seized an opportunity where others saw only desolation.

He understood that fortune favors the bold, and he was nothing if not audacious.

With a keen eye for opportunity and a tireless work ethic, he embarked on a journey that would defy the odds and rewrite his family's destiny.

The concept was simple yet revolutionary: buy low, sell high, and do it quickly.

He would swoop in, acquire a property in the morning, and by the afternoon, it would be sold – often at a profit substantial enough to turn heads.

This lightning-fast turnaround, known as a "double close," became his trademark, earning him a reputation as a savvy investor with an uncanny knack for turning a profit in the bleakest of times.

But perhaps his greatest insight was...

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Real Estate Redefined: Join Matt Larson's Community, The Deal Lab



The biggest struggle most investors have right now and how to turn it into a strength for 2024 and beyond...

I talk to a LOT of investors each week... 

And I always ask..."what is your biggest bottleneck?"

Many of them say the following:

  • Buyers stopped buying my WS deals in 2023
  • I went from multiple offers to no offers on my deals in 2023
  • My contract cancellation rate went way up in 2023 because I couldn't get deals sold
  • Sellers weren't accepting my offers in 2023.
  • Sellers aren't realistic about the value of their houses
  • Buyers are offering me really low prices for my deals and now I am not making as much money 
"Matt, how is a seller that isn't realistic about my offer a cash buyer problem?"
The seller isn't the problem...your offer is the problem...
You are offering wayyyyy tooooo loooooowwww on your offers...
Last year I helped more students than I can count to RAISE UP YOUR...
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