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Real Estate Redefined: Join Matt Larson's Community, The Deal Lab



The biggest struggle most investors have right now and how to turn it into a strength for 2024 and beyond...

I talk to a LOT of investors each week... 

And I always ask..."what is your biggest bottleneck?"

Many of them say the following:

  • Buyers stopped buying my WS deals in 2023
  • I went from multiple offers to no offers on my deals in 2023
  • My contract cancellation rate went way up in 2023 because I couldn't get deals sold
  • Sellers weren't accepting my offers in 2023.
  • Sellers aren't realistic about the value of their houses
  • Buyers are offering me really low prices for my deals and now I am not making as much money 
"Matt, how is a seller that isn't realistic about my offer a cash buyer problem?"
The seller isn't the problem...your offer is the problem...
You are offering wayyyyy tooooo loooooowwww on your offers...
Last year I helped more students than I can count to RAISE UP YOUR OFFERS AND YOU WILL MAKE MORE MONEY.
Sounds counterintuitive doesn't it?
Well...if you are offering ARV x .7 minus repairs minus your wholesale fee...your wholesaling business probably got crushed in 2023...
(Hint: there is a much better formula for wholesaling)
And if you were still selling to the Pre-2022 cash buyers in 2023 your wholesaling business probably got crushed in 2023.
2 Moves...
  • New Cash Buyers
  • New Offer Formula
Small, easy, moves...that make a massive impact.
Tuesday at 10am central time in the Deal Lab...we deep dive into topics like this and I show you EXACTLY how to fix these 2 issues and massively increase your BOTTOM LINE.
And...I even brought on my Disposition VA to show you what she is doing to sell 90% of our deals...
What is Deal Lab?
How can you join?
Well, it's my SUPER EXPENSIVE live group Zoom training I do each week...
It's only $10,000 per month to join...'s ONLY $47/month...a laughable joke...

So why are all these 7 figure wholesalers quitting their $15,000-$25,000 per year masterminds to join the $47/mo Deal Lab?
In there words "Deal Lab is better"
Want to join on Tuesday and get access to all the previous trainings plus a toolbox packed full of goodies?

Click here:  The Deal Lab

Let's turn a negative into a positive...and CRUSH 2024 together.

What do you get by joining?

  • Weekly Training by Me: I don't do "fluff". When we meet, I give you real training that you can implement right away to get massive results. 
  • Networking with other Investors: Most group trainings don't allow you to network with other members. I don't do it like that. I WANT you to network. I want you to do deals together. You will get access to my Facebook Group for members where you can collaborate, ask questions, and learn. There are tons of other 6 figure wholesalers that are crushing it as well as brand new beginners that are just getting started in this group.
  • Toolkit & Replays: You will have access to every replay in a library so you can always go back to previous trainings and watch. I also have a "toolkit" full of how to's, templates, contracts, and more.

We have covered topics like:

✅ How to Negotiate Like a Pro 

✅ Launch your Follow-up Game

✅ Secret Tips to Get Buyers Who Pay More

✅ How to Price Your Deals

✅ How to Measure the Cash Flow of a Property

✅ Use Other People's Money to do Deals

✅ How to Do Fix and Flips in Small Towns

✅ Get Rid of Contractor Headaches Forever

✅ How to Read the Market and Adjust

✅ Power of JV Partnerships

✅ How to Find the Best Seller Leads

✅ Industries that thrive and fall in downturns

✅ How to Choose a Market

✅ How to Delegate and Automate to Free up Your Time

✅ Turn Rejected Offers into Assets with my SECRET Ghost Protocol

✔️ AND MORE...

Ready to Dive in?

  Click 👉 HERE 👈


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