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How to Drastically Reduce Your Wholesaling Workload to Less Than 2 Hours a Day

In the world of real estate wholesaling, there's one role that can drastically reduce your involvement to less than two hours a day.

Surprisingly, it's not the acquisitions manager or the cold caller.

The unsung hero of your operation is the Lead Manager.

Most people overlook the Lead Manager's significance.

Traditionally, a Lead Manager is seen as someone who handles incoming leads and keeps them organized.

However, my definition expands beyond this simplistic view.

A Lead Manager is the linchpin of your wholesaling business, a position so crucial that it can transform how your entire operation functions.

Here's what a Lead Manager in my model does:

  • Manages All KPIs: Keeps track of key performance indicators to ensure the business is on the right track.

  • Manages List Health: Ensures your contact lists are updated and relevant.

  • Perfect List Rotation: Maintains a strategic rotation of lists to maximize outreach efficiency.

  • Pulls the Lists and Skip Traces: Extracts and...

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How to Pull Apartment Seller Lead Lists: A Step-By-Step Guide

In this article I am going to show you how to pull a list of seller leads for apartments.

The best list source we have found for apartment buildings and multi-family homes is 

It offers the option to pull absentee owners for single and multi family and apartment buildings. We use the criteria: (absentee owner, LTV under 69%, purchase date 1900-2011, Single Family/Multi Family/Or Units 5+, Zip codes of our choice)

You can sign up for a free account here:


To begin, register for a free account and log in. 


Under your dashboard, select “Create your own” list.

Begin by selecting the Geography for the area you are looking to pull seller leads (I like to use zip codes).

You can enter the other criteria we recommend by clicking on the “Property” tab. If you choose to run a list for multifamily buildings/apartments you can use the option “# of units”...

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