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How to Master Virtual Wholesaling: Top 10 Skills for Success

In the dynamic world of real estate wholesaling, embracing virtual strategies has become more than just an option—it's a necessity.

As technology continues to evolve, so do the opportunities for those willing to adapt.

Going completely virtual in your wholesaling business opens doors to a myriad of advantages, but it also presents its fair share of challenges.

I've listed down the essential skills you need to excel in the virtual wholesaling game.

Welcome to THE DEAL LAB, where we delve into the intricacies of real estate wholesaling to empower you with the knowledge and tools for success.

Some topics we have covered in the past is:

  1. Tech Mastery: Embrace technology like your new best friend. From virtual tours to digital marketing, proficiency in tech tools is non-negotiable in virtual wholesaling.

  2. Digital Marketing Savvy: Learn to navigate the digital landscape with finesse. Whether it's SEO, social media advertising, or email campaigns, your ability to reach...

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The biggest struggle most investors have right now and how to turn it into a strength for 2024 and beyond...

I talk to a LOT of investors each week... 

And I always ask..."what is your biggest bottleneck?"

Many of them say the following:

  • Buyers stopped buying my WS deals in 2023
  • I went from multiple offers to no offers on my deals in 2023
  • My contract cancellation rate went way up in 2023 because I couldn't get deals sold
  • Sellers weren't accepting my offers in 2023.
  • Sellers aren't realistic about the value of their houses
  • Buyers are offering me really low prices for my deals and now I am not making as much money 
"Matt, how is a seller that isn't realistic about my offer a cash buyer problem?"
The seller isn't the problem...your offer is the problem...
You are offering wayyyyy tooooo loooooowwww on your offers...
Last year I helped more students than I can count to RAISE UP YOUR...
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