Ever wonder why some people are successful while others fail?

The most successful investors and business owners I talk to all have one thing in common.

They know their numbers.

If you are tired of "hoping it works out" and just want predictable closed deals, you need this tool.
  • Need some help busting through a bottleneck?
  • Can't figure out why you aren't doing deals?
  • Not getting leads?
  • Think you have a VA problem?
Students will come to me using other VA services and say,
"Matt, my VA is terrible. We aren't getting leads. I need to check out your VAs." 
And I will stop them. 
Sure, I could push my VAs and get a sale immediately... but until we know if it's a true VA problem, giving them one of my VAs isn't going to help.
I don't want to make a sale if it means placing a VA with a client who has another issue.


I am not in the business of setting my VAs or Clients up for failure.
And about 80% of the time when I dive into troubleshooting with clients, it's not a VA issue. (I won't say VAs are never the problem, but it's rare with my VAs).

So what else could it be?

One of the biggest reasons I see is a "list issue". 

But most people have no idea what a "list issue" is or how to spot it.

Well, I created something that will change EVERYTHING.

My Mission Control KPI Dashboard that makes Troubleshooting Effortless.

This one tool will immediately save you time, money, and unnecessary troubleshooting steps by easily identifying where your team is struggling and where to focus your efforts to improve. Allowing you to focus on the "true" bottleneck.
Gone are the days when we just "blame the VA" and replace them with a new VA when someone isn't getting leads or closing deals. We dive deep into the root cause so that you don't continue doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Example: If you take the best cold caller (even the best American caller) and give them the worst list data, they aren't going to be able to perform.
So... how do you know if it's a list problem or a VA problem?

My troubleshooting formula that never fails…

When I am troubleshooting someone's wholesaling business...

One of the first things I ask is:
How  many offers are you making per day?
How they answer that question leads me to the next question..
If they aren't making many offers a day I ask:
How many leads are you bringing in per day?
If their offers are low due to not enough lead flow we fix
that pretty easily...
Typically that is solved in 24 hours.
If their lead flow looks good but their offers are low we next need to to look at:
✅ Lead sorting
✅ Acquisitions processes
If their lead flow is good and they are making the proper number of offers in relationship to number of leads coming in we next look at:
✅ Follow up processes
✅ Acquisitions skill
✅ Offer formula
It's almost always one of those things...
If their lead flow is good, and their offers are where they should be...
and they are getting contracts...
but just not getting them sold I look at:
✅ Buyers processes
If they aren't adding buyers daily as a normal habit we fix that pretty fast...
From there if everything is clicking and we want to optimize profitability or increase efficiencies we always go back to:
✅ Lead management

 Lead management is mission control...

It's the difference maker...

But few even give it a second thought.

But you don't have to manually thing through each step anymore.
With this dashboard, I am taking out ALL of the guesswork.
I had a live event recently where I went around the room and asked a few students some basic questions regarding their list stats. And they had no idea what the answers were.
Now, I'm not faulting them. Most people have never heard of "list health" or have any idea what KPIs they should be hitting in their business.
But I am opening Pandora's box in this industry and some people are not going to like it. It's going to shine a light on the underperformers in this industry.


No more wondering what your list health is.


No more wondering if you're hitting your metrics.


It's all there.


Color coded to show you where you are on track and where you

need to work on things.


You need this tool.


It's all math.

Once you take emotion out of the equation and just look at the stats, there are no more excuses.


My Mission Control KPI Dashboard makes troubleshooting effortless.