As a real estate investor, you might be working for as little as $7 per hour...
"But Matt, I'm closing deals for $10,000... $20,000 and more some months...
What do you mean?
Well, here is my next question for you.

If you said yes to any of the points above, then yes. You are 100% working for $7 per hour.
You MUST outsource ALL of these little tasks if you ever want to scale up in this business.

I remember doing everything in my business just a few years ago.
It was a one-man operation...

I started hiring virtual assistants!

All you needed to do today was hop on your email and take a few minutes to send one.
Next thing you know the contracts and closings are flowing in.
You're no longer putting in the long days, instead just sending some emails and watching your businesses KPIs.

But how did you do it?
How did you get this far?
Well, 60 days prior you decided “enough is enough”. No more messing around.
You got Virtually Unemployed 2.0 and armed yourself with the knowledge to close deals.?
You know real estate is the way to financial freedom, but you don't know the way to scale it up properly without becoming a mule to your business. That's where Virtually Unemployed comes in. You learn the entire real estate process from front to back, and you won't paralyze yourself this time with a lack of not knowing what to expect when you get some deals moving.

You’ve done it.
Freedom. Debt Free. Money flowing into your accounts weekly. And you're taking family and friends along for the ride.
It’s yours. You’ve earned it. You put up with the crap to get to this amazing point in your life.
You're now one of the coveted group of “full-time real estate investors”
Yeah, your in that group.
It’s on. The next chapter starts now.
You and Virtually Unemployed 2.0. An unstoppable combination.

Real Estate Gold Rush!
I can't wait to help you discover the next level of real estate investing, the 2023 way!

The normal price of these trainings is $7,158 if you bought them individually.
Right now we are offering it at a big discount...
You can pick up this "Done For You" Real Estate Bundle for 12 payments of $197/mo

I know that my education will spark new ideas, and propel your business to newfound heights.