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How to Shift from Materialism to Gratitude: My Personal Journey

I used to be “too cool for school.”

Not in the classroom sense, though.

I mean something totally different.

Let me explain.

I had a chip on my shoulder.

I went from being broke as a joke to making more money than I could ever dream of very quickly.

It got to me.

I went from a nobody to someone people started to “want to be like.”

It got to me.

I went from not being able to land a date to save my life to having more girls chase me than I could ever dream of. It got to me.

Private jets, Lambos, new Rolexes every week, fancy cars, bottle service, expensive clothes, big houses—you name it, I bought it.


One day, I woke up and didn’t like who I had become.

I wasn’t buying those things for myself.

I was buying those things for them.

Who is them?


Why do I care if they are impressed?

I don’t.

I guess growing up the way I did put that chip on my shoulder.

Kids are cruel.

The absolute most hated time of my life growing up was...

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