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From Heartbreak to Real Estate Success: My Journey

Nearly 19 years ago, I embarked on my real estate journey, but truthfully, it wasn’t about real estate at all.

It was about proving something to myself and to others.

It was about making money.

At that time, my girlfriend had just broken up with me.

She said she wanted to date someone with “status,” someone who “makes money.”

I was heartbroken, but more than that, I was angry.

For anyone who knew me during that period, I wasn’t much fun to be around.

I was the hardest-working person I knew, yet I was still broke.

I worked every possible hour of overtime I could manage.

I cashed in my vacation days every year, taking the money instead of the days off.

I worked two jobs and grabbed every chance to work on Saturdays and many Sundays.

Despite all this, I had nothing to show for it.

I knew I had to make real money if I ever wanted to win her back.

Back then, my TV was always on.

My apartment was tiny—300 square feet—and rent was $275 a...

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