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On Demand Cold Calling VS a Full Time Cold Caller

Matt Larson's On-Demand Cold Calling vs a Full-Time Cold Caller

Currently, both of Matt Larson's cold calling options, On-Demand and Full Time VA Cold Caller generate 3-5 leads per day on average (2500 dials per week). Both of these are great options to ramp up your real estate lead generation FAST. 

So what's the difference? How do you choose?

Quick Comparison:

On-Demand (also known as "pay as you go")

  • We provide the VA and the Multi-Line Dialer
  • We Manage the VA
  • We optimize the dialer settings and review quality assurance of calls
  • Can be used Full Time or Supplementally to your other lead gen avenues
  • Hands off Experience
  • You provide the list or purchase one of ours and we can do that for you too!
  • More Expensive Option
  • Price is subject to change (currently running specials but those could end anytime and rates will go back to normal)
  • No time commitments, once your order is done, you can re-order (or not)

Want to learn more? Click HERE

Full Time Cold Call VA:

  • Perfect for Consistency and Scaling your Team
  • Ideal for those engaged in full-time dialing and lead generation
  • You would provide the dialer, giving you more control over settings and visibility of your platform
  • Ongoing Support- You'd manage the day to day but we are here (forever) for support and troubleshooting as needed.
  • Less expensive option 
  • Price is locked, we never raise your hourly rate
  • 2 week notice requested. Although there are no contract time commitments we do ask for a 2 week notice so we can better manage staffing. Cancel anytime.

Want to learn more? Click HERE


With the On-Demand service, we provide a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) report upon the completion of each campaign. For instance, if you opt for 2500 dials, the report will be sent to you once all 2500 dials are completed.

On the other hand, with a full-time VA, the VA themselves would send an End of Day (EOD) report with KPIs every day, along with an End of Week report


Whether you decide to use our service or not, make sure you are monitoring your KPIs closely!



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