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What Do Crab Fishermen Know About Business That You May Not? Probably More Than You Think.

Let me explain...

This is a powerful lesson that made total sense to me the first time I heard it.

When a crab fisherman sets a trap, they put a little bait in the bottom of the trap.

Then, crabs flock to the trap and eat the bait. 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀

Here’s the crazy part...

Crab traps don’t have a top.

So, when the bait is all gone, do the crabs just crawl back up to the top and leave?

Well, they try.

But they are unsuccessful.

Here’s why...

As soon as another crab sees a crab trying to leave the trap, they reach up and pull the escaping crab back down.

The other crabs will not allow them to leave.

It can even get violent enough that the crabs will tear the legs off the crabs trying to escape if they need to.

It’s an easy catch for the fisherman.

As long as you have two or more crabs in a crab trap, they will never escape.

What does this have to do with you? A lot...

Anytime you try to accomplish anything “out of the ordinary” and leave the “crab trap,” others will try to pull you back down.

People don’t like to see you succeed.

It’s crazy, but they feel better about themselves when you are at their same level.

The Crab Trap of Life

Warning: If you try to do something amazing, you will face violent opposition.

And if you do become wildly successful, the opposition will become worse.

People want you to get by; they just don’t want you to get by them.

They will lie about you in an attempt to destroy your credibility.

They will try to sabotage your success at every turn.

It will happen. Be prepared.

The world wants to see you fail.

But the world can’t stop someone who won’t be denied.

Breaking Free

Get out of the crab trap.

Fight, kick, and punch your way to the top.

It’s worth the struggle.

Get free.

Crab fishermen know that as long as there are multiple crabs in the trap, they don’t need to worry about them escaping.

The same applies to life and business.

The more you strive to break free from the norm, the more resistance you will face from those around you.

But if you can persist, you will reach heights that others can only dream of.

Remember, success is not just about reaching the top; it’s about the journey and the resilience you build along the way.

So, keep pushing, stay determined, and don’t let anyone pull you back down.

The world is yours for the taking, and nothing can stop you if you refuse to be held back.

Break free from the crab trap and live your extraordinary life.

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