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How to Overcome Self-Doubt and Unlock Your True Potential

Most people underestimate themselves.

And not by a little... but by a lot.

They don’t realize what they're truly capable of.

Let me give you an example.

Think about something you’ve been wanting to accomplish for a while but haven’t.

It doesn’t matter what it is.

It could be something big or small.

Either way, you haven’t done it yet.


Probably because there are one or two parts of that you don’t know how to do or you’re afraid it might not work out.

When I talk to people about their goals, it’s always the same things tripping them up:

  1. Fear of failure
  2. Not exactly sure on the “how to”

Let’s break it down.

Fear of Failure

Make a list (write it down) of everything bad that will happen if you fail:

  1. People will laugh at you.
  2. You might lose money.
  3. You’ll lose time.
  4. You might lose friends.

Was death one of them? 99.9% of the time, it’s not.

I used to ride motorcycles.

Mainly because I liked doing wheelies down the road at high speeds.

I wanted to be the best at wheelies.

Then I realized death was a real factor.

And the rewards of being the top wheelie guy on the planet were small.

So I quit riding.

My point is, you ain’t dying if you don’t hit your goal.

Will people laugh? Yes.

They will laugh at you, make fun of you.

In public and in private.

But really, who cares?

But if you do care what people think, here’s how to counter that punch: watch the final scene of the movie “8 Mile.”

Do what he did.

Then people will stop making fun of you.

Will you lose money if you fail? Probably in some cases.

But is it really losing money?

Or investing in R and D?

If you learned from it, you probably didn’t truly lose.

Can you lose friends? Yes.

But then you probably weren’t aligned and going in the same direction anyway.

Does it still hurt? Yes.

Growth is painful.

Not Sure About the "How To"

That’s really pretty easy:

  • Find the top 3 books on the subject.
  • Buy a home study course.
  • Join a Facebook group.
  • Join a mastermind of like-minded people doing what you want to do.

You will discover the “how to.”

Dive in.

The most important thing is chasing your dream.

Dedicate an hour a day.

Two hours if you’re super serious.

Three hours if you’re crazy.

Four hours if you’re obsessed.

You do that, and you will wake up one day a changed human being.

Your life will be different.

You will accomplish your goal.

Then you will discover you’ve only scratched the surface on what you are truly capable of.

That dream is too important. Chase it.

Click HERE to join my #1 coaching .


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