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How to Navigate Seasonality in Real Estate: Strategies for Summer Success

In my 19 years in the real estate business, I've noticed a consistent pattern: June, July, and August are the hardest months to get houses under contract.

Conversely, December, January, and February are the easiest.

This phenomenon, known as seasonality, can pose a significant challenge for many in the industry.

The summer months can feel like navigating through a storm, with fewer deals and increased competition.

However, there are ways to weather these "summer storms" and keep your business thriving.

One of the most effective strategies is to focus on the leads you already own, especially those that are "closest to the hole."

If you're actively marketing and using a CRM (and I highly recommend you do), here are three main tactics to stay on top and keep leads coming in:

1. Re-engage Sellers Who Cancelled Contracts

Often, contracts are cancelled due to a price reduction request.

These sellers can still be converted back to new contracts at the price you initially asked them to reduce to.

After 60 days, many of them realize they were wrong to cancel.

Reach out to these sellers and renegotiate the terms.

This follow-up can turn a missed opportunity into a successful deal.

2. Follow Up on Rejected Offers

Pull a list of all rejected offers and start with the ones that are less than $30k apart from where you need to be.

These should be followed up with consistently as they represent your best leads.

Regular check-ins and updates can keep you top of mind and demonstrate your commitment, potentially leading to a deal when circumstances change.

3. Analyze Common Denominator Deals

Look at all your closed deals from the previous year and identify 3-4 traits that they share, creating a "common denominator."

These are your most popular deals.

Revisit these deals to see if you can increase your offers while still maintaining a profit.

Often, slight adjustments can make a significant difference in closing new deals.

Simplifying with Podio Max

My Podio Max software makes these tasks a cinch.

With Podio Max CRM, you don't "rent it forever"; you own the software, and you can sell it as an asset if you ever choose to.

This ownership model provides flexibility and long-term value for your business.

Stay Strong and Adapt

The summer months might be tough, but with these strategies, you can squeeze out extra deals and keep your revenue flowing.

Don't give up when the going gets tough—instead, get stronger and apply these techniques to maintain your business momentum.

For more information on how Podio Max can streamline your processes and enhance your real estate business, click HERE


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