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How to Master Real Estate Negotiation: Making Low Offers and Price Reductions That Sellers Accept

Real estate investing can be a lucrative endeavor, but to truly dominate the game, there are two essential skills you must master.

These skills can make or break your success in the market.

If you don't get good at these two things, you probably won't make it.

However, if you master these two skills, you will likely be set up for the rest of your life.

1. Making Low Offers and Having the Seller Still Like You

One of the most challenging aspects of real estate investing is making low offers without alienating the seller. It's a delicate balance—how do you present an offer that benefits you while maintaining a positive relationship with the seller?

Why It Matters:

  • Win-Win Mindset: A low offer doesn’t have to be a bad offer. When presented correctly, it can highlight the benefits to the seller, such as a quick sale or the convenience of not having to make repairs.
  • Negotiation Foundation: A good relationship can lead to more flexible negotiations. If the seller likes you, they are more likely to consider your terms seriously.

Tips for Success:

  • Build Rapport: Start with genuine conversations. Understand the seller’s needs and motivations.
  • Present the Offer Professionally: Explain the reasoning behind your offer. Highlight how it benefits both parties.
  • Stay Respectful: Even if the offer is lower than expected, respect the seller’s situation and show empathy.

2. Making Price Reductions That Get Accepted

The ability to renegotiate a deal to achieve a price reduction is crucial. Market conditions, property inspections, and unforeseen issues can necessitate a lower price. But how do you convince a seller to agree to a price drop?

Why It Matters:

  • Market Fluctuations: The market can change rapidly. A property that seemed like a good deal at one price might need a reduction to remain viable.
  • Protecting Your Investment: Ensuring you don’t overpay is essential for maintaining healthy profit margins.

Tips for Success:

  • Clear Justification: Provide clear, logical reasons for the reduction request. Use facts and data, such as recent comparable sales or inspection reports.
  • Maintain Rapport: Just like with making low offers, maintaining a good relationship is key. If the seller likes and trusts you, they’re more likely to be amenable to a price reduction.
  • Be Prepared to Walk Away: Sometimes, the best negotiation tactic is the willingness to walk away. This shows the seller that you are serious and not desperate.

Why Most Investors Fail

Most investors struggle with these skills because they don’t approach them correctly.

They either make low offers that offend sellers or ask for price reductions without sufficient justification, damaging their credibility and relationships.

Join Me for a Live Event on July 13th in Peoria, IL

At my upcoming live event, I will teach you how to master these two critical skills without the seller wanting to throat-punch you. Learn how to:

  • Make low offers that sellers accept with a smile.
  • Negotiate price reductions that get accepted.

These techniques will protect and build rapport, allowing you to follow up and convert up to 75% more deals.

Event Details:

  • Date: July 13th
  • Location: Peoria, IL
  • Price: $197

No fluff. All details.

I will guide you through every step, ensuring you have actionable tactics you can use immediately.

Join me and turn your rejected offers into gold. 

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