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"None of the sellers I talk to are super motivated"...

People will contact me asking for help with closing more deals...

I ask them what their biggest challenge is right now...

They  say "None of the sellers I talk to are super motivated."

Then I ask the question that NONE OF THEM WANT TO ANSWER:

"What is your current follow up process?"

They don't have a follow up process...

Want to know the biggest difference from the 7 figure wholesalers and the people struggling to find


The people making money FOLLOW UP.


I have found a way to convert sellers with your WRITTEN WORD.

If I could go back and tell my 18 year old self anything...



Doesn’t matter the industry…

If you can get really skilled at writing good copy, this course can help you far beyond just converting sellers.

But even if that's all it does, it will increase your deals closed by 75%.

So why does copywriting matter so much? 

Think about the power that your words have. Words carry the power to inspire unbelievable acts of greatness or they can inspire terrible acts of war.

Your words have the ability to make people trust you, without ever meeting you.

A seller's biggest asset they will ever own is typically their house.

There could be memories, emotions, or fears a seller has about selling their house.

You have to have the ability to quickly build rapport with a seller before they will feel comfortable trusting you with something so important to them.

20% of communication is actually what we say, and 80% is how we say it (tone, inflection, and body language).

And when you use email, you can't rely on your body language or the tone of your voice to build trust...

All you have is your written word.

And you only get one shot.

Open > Read > --- the next step is up to the seller... (spam/reply/ignore) & largely depends on how good your copy is (and how you made them FEEL).

This course is designed to show you how to write effective copy to convert sellers that you've already talked to.


 I will show you how to effectively target sellers, who have rejected your offer, declined a reduction, or ghosted you after verbally accepting your offer, thru email marketing.

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